Mini Ear Doctor
Mini Ear Doctor
Mini Ear Doctor
Mini Ear Doctor
Mini Ear Doctor

Mini Ear Doctor


In Mini Ear Doctor, the patient who has just stumbled into your clinic is a cute little Minion with an ear infection. But what's this? Once you take your otoscope to peer into his bright yellow ear you'll see just how icky this infection has become. Just look at all that slimy green goo sloshing around in his ear canal! You'll have to drain it all out before you can address the cause of the infection. Clean the Minion's ear with some cotton swabs and the suction tube. Now that the fluid is gone, you can pluck away the bacteria and treat the sore, red spots on the outer portion of the ear. Once that is done, you can look deeper into the ear canal and search for the bacteria hidden within. Can you zap all of these nasty purple critters? With your expert care, the Minion can be cured!

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